Rosewood Farm

Mar, 28, 2023

I recently had the pleasure of attending a class at Rosewood Farm. This Organic farm is situated in Sugar Grove, Illinois. The owner, Julie, was a chef in Chicago for a decade when she decided to buy the farm and grow flowers and vegetables. Additionally, she hosts events (weddings and parties) and offers a variety of classes, such as cooking and gardening. I must admit it was my first time at the Rosewood Farm. It won’t be the last!

While it was a snowy and windy day when I arrived (typical for March in Illinois), I noticed how quiet it felt. Yes, there are train tracks very nearby, but, when a train is not rolling through, it feels just like the country should: peaceful. To be honest, to someone like me who grew up in a small country town, the sound of a freight train is pretty standard.

I remember hot summer nights in my grandma’s house back in the day before air conditioning was standard (yes, I am that old). We’d throw all the windows open and press our heads up next to the screen, as if somehow that would make us cooler. In the distance, the freight trains were a steady hum. The railroad tracks were not far away. In fact, we walked those tracks all summer long because they lined the river banks where we would fish. My kids would be horrified to learn that sometimes we’d get so close to the train the wind of it would nearly knock us down.

So the sound of a train doesn’t break the peace for me. It almost makes it more peaceful. You can get lost in the train noise. In fact, I noticed the Canadian geese in the pond at the farm barely flinched when the train rolled through. Looks like they are used to it as well.

At the farm, the first to greet me were the resident geese. Chattering loudly, they seemed excited to see a visitor! If the weather was nicer I would have liked to sit and chat with them a bit. However, since it was quite cold, I made my way into the farm store where the class was held.

The class was titled, “Spring Garden Seed Starting”. If you’ve read some of my other posts you may remember that I grew up in a family of farmers and have lived garden to table my entire life. So then why would I take a class on seed starting? Simply because I believe it is so important to always be learning. No matter who you are you can always learn something new from somebody different. In fact, I learned a lot in Chef Julie’s class and can’t wait to take another in the future.

In the past I haven’t always had time to grow my own seeds. But now that I am dedicated to expanding my home garden, I was very interested in learning expert tips. During the class we learned more about the farm and its organic products. We also learned about organic gardening. Julie led us all through the process of successful seed starting to ensure germination. Then we learned tips on how to care for our new plants. This included the optimal soil, moisture and light they need.

We got to pick our seeds from Julie’s extensive collection, then plant them according to her instructions. Since I already had my favorite plants growing at home, I chose varieties I hadn’t planted before. This included Organic Listada di Gandia Egglplant. My grandparents grew eggplant, and even though I am Italian, I am not very fond of it. However, I want to be! So I decided to grow some and try a few different recipes this summer. I hope to get a crop that looks just like the photo on the seed packet!

This is the fun part of growing a garden. When you have vegetables in your backyard you can think of new recipes to try them in. The healthiest food is the kind you grow. Now I patiently wait for my seeds to germinate!

I think it’s vital to support our local farmers, particularly ones practicing sustainable farming. To learn more about why I believe eating Organic is so important, please click over to my recent post under the Wisdom Category on this site. The Case for Organic Produce

I can’t wait to go back to Rosewood Farm this summer when the gardens are in full bloom and of course, to spend time talking with the animals! If you live local to Sugar Grove, Illinois, check out their class schedule and take a visit as well. To plan your visit follow this link to their site:

This is the first post in my Places series, to bring to you the places I find interesting that you may want to visit. Have a place you’d like me to feature? Just send me a tip via the contact form on this site!

Michelle Adams

Michelle Adams is the founder, researcher and writer behind the Food Stoic. She is an inquisitive lawyer and hails from a background as a medical litigator for over 20 years, along with her side passion project of opening a farm to table style bakery in the charming suburban town in which she lives with her husband, three children and dog pack. Her passion for food began in her youth, being raised in an Italian family in a small farming town in the Midwest. She is a seeker of good food made with healthy ingredients, skillful researcher, intentional eater, home chef, podcaster, and advocate for a sustainable food system. Find her podcast, Harvesting the Truth, on Spotify and Apple. Also, join her SkinWise newsletter on Substack.

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Hi, I'm Michelle, a former medical litigator and food entrepreneur, who now shares my stories, recipes and passion for intentional eating and food sustainability, typically while drinking coffee, cooking and rescuing dogs.

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My passion is to live according to nature, and to be as healthy as I can be. I research and investigate what we're eating, how we're living and what we are putting on our bodies. I share that wisdom here so that we can all learn how to be healthier through the food we eat or slather on our bodies.

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