Love Yourself Enough To Do This

Feb, 22, 2023

“I want something different. I want to be different. I don’t want to live like this anymore”

How many of us have uttered those words to ourselves at some point?

Maybe we wanted a different job.

Maybe we wanted to be debt free.

Maybe we wanted a new relationship.

Maybe we wanted out of a toxic one.

Maybe we wanted to live somewhere else.

Maybe we wanted to lose 20 pounds. Or more.

Maybe we wanted to be happy.

Maybe we wanted peace.

Maybe we just wanted time.

Maybe we are still seeking all of those things.

This is the day to give yourself a gift. Give yourself some grace for all that you have already accomplished.

Maybe you don’t see it.

Maybe you don’t feel it.

But you’re here. You’ve made it this far in an incredibly hard, graceless, cancel-culture world.

So give yourself that at least—grace.

And a plan. Because you’re not getting any younger. Every day you sit and binge Netflix is one more day until you start working on your dream. It’s one more day gone, and who knows how many days there are left.

So commit to action.

Where do you start? It’s too exhausting to think about starting over again. Where to even begin?

“It’s too late”. . .

“I’m too old”. . .

“I had my chance”. . .

“I failed”. . .

“I can’t”.

Stop lying to yourself.

Your ego loves lies. Stop feeding it.

You’re not starting over from the beginning. You’ve already been at the beginning.

Why go back? You’re not going that way.

Start where you are. Experienced. Wiser. Ready.

Go forward. But start today. Not on the 1st of the month. Not on Monday. Not in the morning.

As soon as you get done reading this, start.

Take pen to paper and write down the plan. Yes, actual paper. Just like the old days. The good days.

Use what you have, what you know and what you want. Craft your goals, create your plan.

Tape that plan where you will see it everyday.

Then start from there and take it one step at a time. Like the television series you binged on. . .let every step be a new show. Keep creating your show every day until you reach the conclusion.

What’s the conclusion? Only you know.

It doesn’t matter how many seasons it takes. Just.keep.going.

Love yourself more than anyone else because only you know how to make yourself happiest. Only you know yourself better than anyone.

Don’t let others crush your goals. They aren’t you. They don’t know you the way you do. Tune out the haters. Get rid of the toxics. Commit to yourself going forward.

This is your dream, nobody else’s. They weren’t meant to understand, just like you don’t understand theirs.

It’s a one way adventure with a ticket for one. When you get where you’re going you can share the joy, but that doesn’t mean you have to share the ride.

That ride is up from this day forward. Because when you’re at the bottom, it’s the only way that’s left.

But the bottom was just a stop. It is not the final destination—unless you let it be. Don’t let it be.

You are so much more.

Let this day be the day your journey begins.

So get on the road and start the journey upwards.

Happy You Day.❤

Love from one rock bottom visitor to another

No photo description available.
Love is the way up.

By the way, my friend Jenny took the pic at the top of the page. Check out her work at Jennifer Kaye Photography.

January 10, 2023
February 23, 2023

Michelle Adams

Michelle Adams is the founder, researcher and writer behind the Food Stoic. She is an inquisitive lawyer and hails from a background as a medical litigator for over 20 years, along with her side passion project of opening a farm to table style bakery in the charming suburban town in which she lives with her husband, three children and dog pack. Her passion for food began in her youth, being raised in an Italian family in a small farming town in the Midwest. She is a seeker of good food made with healthy ingredients, skillful researcher, intentional eater, home chef, podcaster, and advocate for a sustainable food system. Find her podcast, Harvesting the Truth, on Spotify and Apple. Also, join her SkinWise newsletter on Substack.

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Hi, I'm Michelle, a former medical litigator and food entrepreneur, who now shares my stories, recipes and passion for intentional eating and food sustainability, typically while drinking coffee, cooking and rescuing dogs.

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My passion is to live according to nature, and to be as healthy as I can be. I research and investigate what we're eating, how we're living and what we are putting on our bodies. I share that wisdom here so that we can all learn how to be healthier through the food we eat or slather on our bodies.

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