Healthy Living Consultations


Healthy Living Consultation


Healthy Living Consultation for Individuals 

  • Ready to go toxin free?
  • Clean your kitchen to help your family eat healthier?
  • Rid your pantry of toxins?
  • Change your facial products?
  • Get those ultra-processed foods out of your refrigerator?
  • Just get healthier?

No, I’m not going to physically come over and clean for you—but I will help you figure out how to change if you’re ready!

My healthy living process begins with a discovery call so I can learn more about you and your goals. For one hour, ask me anything! If you’re interested in having me coach you into a healthier life, I’ll develop an individualized plan for you via a proposal after our call. If you accept the proposal, we’ll work together to get your life all cleaned up. This may mean a new diet, pantry re-organization, or even a new cosmetics plan.

Even if you opt not to continue to work together, we will at least spend an hour together where I help you learn more about living toxin-free.

Use this tab for just a kitchen clean up too. All calls unrestricted (ask me anything!) for 60 minutes. You’ll come away knowing more about what products you are using that contain toxins or are unhealthy; how to go toxin free; and my suggestions on where to start to make changes.


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